Ce Petit Beau Geste
Cette petite belle phrase qui fait avancer, ce petit beau mot qui reste gravé dans les mémoires, ce petit beau sourire qui donne espoir, ce petit beau regard qui fait ambitionner des gens et ce petit beau message qui régénère des rêves … Des milliers de gens n’ont besoin que de ce petit beau geste
The power of “Keywords”…
For several years, we’ve been told that words are powerful, we’ve heard about the power of words when debating, when defending a cause, when presenting ourselves… The fact that words must be well chosen, well spelled and well exposed has never been challenged. We attended to panoply of conferences and listened to a wide range
“مواطنون هم في بلدي، غريب أنا في بلدهم”
سرقة هاتف أمريكية يجر شاباً للاعتقال بمكناس http://www.hespress.com/faits-divers/265382.html ففي الثامن عشر من فبراير 2015 تعرضت للسرقة تحت تهديد السلاح الأبيض بمدينة الرباط. أرشدوني في مركز الشرطة لباب الحد الى الدائرة الرابعة للأمن بالرباط حتّى يتمّ تسجيل أقوالي و امضائي على محضر السرقة حوالي الساعة الثامنة مساءا. لا أنكر أن الشرطي الذي سجل المحضر كان في
Why was it different?… – #Africa #Maghreb #Morocco #Youth
I had a dream! Joining an international humanitarian NGO to help, save and take care of people around the world, especially those living in vulnerable African countries. In recent years, I realized this dream cannot come true immediately. So, there’s two scenerios; whether postponing this goal or riding it to another level in which I
A Battle or a Life… We should make it Moral!
What would it cost to us if we give up these bloody pace? People in this earth resemble to soldiers in a battle. What happens before we get in life is like what happens before soldiers get in battles. It has never been our choice to be born. It has never been their choice to
In The Middle Of The Rain… GMC Was An Umbrella
It is quite normal to wonder about the nexus between the rain, umbrella and GMC. I will maybe explain it implicitly while talking about “Telco Venturers” participation in the Global Management Challenge; my team. Have you ever experienced the emptiness of achievements when you don’t have enough things to do per day? It was my