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Pensées - Soulaimane AMRI
Senatory Poll
Pier Goodmann
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مغربي الحبيب فوق كل اعتبار

 مغربي الحبيب فوق كل اعتبار  قالوا هل لك أن تشرح لنا كيف … قلت حبي لبلدي ليس له اختصار  قالوا و هل نسيت كمّ مشاكله … قلت لنا العمل لإصلاحها و لكم الإنتظار  قالوا ما الذي يعجبك فهو مجرد بلد… قلت ولدت و تربيت و درست و فرحت و تقدمت فيه فهو  بالنسبة لي وطن

Yes I Care

Improving Children’s Situation in Morocco We call it « Childhood »; it’s one period but a lot of memories. Most of us consider it as the most beautiful period in one’s life. Unfortunately, it’s not the same case for all people, we all were children and we know very well that there are some primordial rights from

Ce Petit Beau Geste

Cette petite belle phrase qui fait avancer, ce petit beau mot qui reste gravé dans les mémoires, ce petit beau sourire qui donne espoir, ce petit beau regard qui fait ambitionner des gens et ce petit beau message qui régénère des rêves … Des milliers de gens n’ont besoin que de ce petit beau geste

The power of “Keywords”…

For several years, we’ve been told that words are powerful, we’ve heard about the power of words when debating, when defending a cause, when presenting ourselves… The fact that words must be well chosen, well spelled and well exposed has never been challenged. We attended to panoply of conferences and listened to a wide range